8 Tips to Manage your Dog in the Summer Heat

This time for many of us across the globe can be really challenging with the summer heat. It's no surprise that summer months are getting hotter over the years. Like us our dogs and pets really struggle in hot days, but they can’t go and grab a cool drink from the fridge or pop the air conditioner on. So it is up to us to do the right thing by them in the heat.

So here are our top 8 tips for keeping your dog cool this summer.


1. Exercise your dog early in the morning

If you know it’s going to be a hoy day plan to walk your dog early in the morning before the heat really hits or much later when it’s cooled down. This is especially important if you are walking on pavements or any man-made surface. Pavements can reach excessive temperatures, which can seriously burn your dog’s paws. Even at the beach sand can get too hot. A good tip is to check if the ground is too hot by doing the touch test with your hand. If it is too hot for your hand then it’s too hot for their paws. Note: also check the hot paving in the yard and around the pool too. These can also be a danger zone for your pups paws and if they are lying down too.

Dogs in summer heat

 2. Reduce the exercise time on hot days

If you are thinking of taking your dog to the beach to cool down just be mindfully that they may not get as cool as you think. Whilst the cooling water can certainly help, some dogs in particular don’t know when to stop and can over do it resulting in heat stroke. Dogs have been known to die from heatstroke. Keep the ball throwing and running to a minimum and take plenty of fresh water and shade with you for all the family. It’s much better to avoid the midday sun and go early or late if you plan to take your dog.

If you are worried that your dog won’t get enough exercise try a simple game of hide and seek with their food. Place some dried food in a few different boxes and let them seek it out. Even 5-10 minutes of playing a game can be an excellent way of enriching your dog without taking them on a long walk.

Keep dogs cool in summer

 3. Never ever leave your dog in a parked car

Did you know on hot days cars can reach extreme temperatures in just minutes even with a window cracked? Even on less hot days this is still a big no no as the temperature inside a car can still reach unbearable heat very quickly. That quick trip to the shop for one item may take longer than you think and dogs have been known to die in cars in just a very short period of time. Leaving them tied up outside the shops is also not recommended due to the number of pet thefts that have happened in those instances so do your dog a favour and take them home first. If you have a dog that doesn’t like to be left there’s ways to mange this struggle through training which in the long run is a much better option.

Never leave dogs in car

 4. Make sure your dog has plenty of water and shade during the summer

Of course the best option is to keep your dog inside where the air conditioning and fans are but if you are not able to keep your dog inside make sure you give them plenty of shade and water. You can pop ice cubes in their bowl to keep their water nice and cool. Ceramic bowls are a good option to keep water cool rather than metal or plastic. If your dog doesn’t drink much and your are concerned they are not getting enough water add in their dinner can help keep them rehydrated.

Even under shade the ground can get hot so set up an area where the sun isn’t as intense, so they can get relief from the heat is the best option. If you really want to go to town you can actually install a simple misting system that work on a timer to give your pooch extra relief.

Regarding pools and water, the same safety rules apply for dogs as they do for children with supervision around water in particularly with pools. Never leave a dog unattended in a pool. Dog’s have been known to drown if they have fallen in and not been able to get out. Even paddling pools can have some risks. So if you are going to provide a small paddling pool make sure it’s not too full and just enough to dip their paws and get their bellies cool.

Dogs in summer water

5. Invest in proper dog friendly sunscreen

Yes, even dogs can get burnt too. This is especially the case for white dogs and dogs with exposed skin like the nose and tummy. However we cannot just slip slap and slop with any old human base sunscreen. Regular sunscreen contains ingredients such as zinc that are not good for our pets. They are also more likely to ingest it by licking the area too so it’s worth investing in a pet safe one. There are many excellent pet approved sunscreen options out there so do your research. Choose one that uses non-toxic ingredients preferably organic, that is safe to ingest if they lick it.

Dogs in summer suncreen

 6. Do you shave your dog or not?

If you have a dog with a fluffy coat you may think that shaving your dog is the trick to keeping them cool but think again.  Shaving a dog right down not only increases the risk of sunburn but for some dogs it’s definitely a big no no. Dog breeds that are double coated such as huskies or malamutes need their coat to keep cool as much as they do to keep warm. It acts as an insulator. Using a de-shedding brush will keep their coats in top condition and get rid of excess fur.

Not sure if your dog is a double coated breed? A good groomer should be able to tell you. Choose a reputable groomer who is experienced in double coated breeds as they will never shave a double coated dog but will groom out the excess hair to keep your dog’s coat at their best.

Managing dog in summer heat

7. Keep all your pets inside on very hot days

On excessively hot days the best place for our pets to be is inside where it’s cool. This is especially important for short nosed dogs such as pugs and English bull terriers due to their breathing. It’s also very important for our senior pets and pocket pets such as rabbits and birds in cages. Pets can overheat quickly in high temperatures and this can be dangerous so keep them cool in front of a fan, AC or use a cooling aid – see tip 8.

Dogs in summer heat

 8. Make use of a cooling aid for your pets

There are many different cooling aids we can get for our pets these days. These range from freezer block bowls to cool mats and cooling jackets.

Do your research but in the meantime check out this simple and affordable tip to keeping our dogs cool using just a small towel.

All you do is just soak a small towel or bandana in very cold water, wring out and place over your dog. You will need to re-soak during the day and don’t leave a bandana on a dog unsupervised but it’s a simple way to keep cool. You can also pop a small wet towel or bandana in the freezer ready too.

We also like adding one drop of peppermint essential oil to the water prior to soaking the towel or bandana as it acts as a cooling aid (not suitable for cats however). Just be sure to only a high-quality reputable brand if you plan to do this.

Cooling dog in summer heat

 Whilst you may not be able to keep larger animals such as goats and horses inside some of these tips are still helpful especially with giving them plenty of shade, water and if possible an area where they can be out of the sun.


Don’t forget about our wildlife too. They struggle too on extreme heat days and can perish so leave out clean water in a protected area away from dogs and cats where they can access it safely. Don’t forget to put some twigs or rocks in for the smaller animals that need to climb out too.

Summer time can be a really fun time to spend outside with your dog but just remember to be sun savvy and take care in the heat.


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