Christmas Foods and Others Things to Avoid for your Dog
Food is such an important part of any celebration and with Christmas coming there’s usually an abundance of different goodies and yummy food on offer. It is also a very busy time with a lot of people around too so the perfect time for your dog to show off their gorgeous big puppy eyes to score some of the Christmas titbits. However this is not the time to let your guard down on being a responsible dog parent and keeping your beloved dog safe.
Christmas should be a time of joy and festivities, but we don’t want it to turn into an unexpected not to mention expensive trip to the vets when your dog has eaten something that they shouldn’t have. A dog that is very food focussed will always try and find a way to get to that tasty food so management will be the key and being on the ball.
So we have compiled a list of favourite foods that may be at your table this Christmas and what to avoid for your dog and some signs to watch out for.
Other notable mentions:
Management is the best thing you can do for your dog and so much less stress than trying to worry if they are going to get into things. Having them in a quiet place happily munching on doggy appropriate food or a chew toy or a fun enrichment puzzle toy to keep them distracted. A licki mat with some of their favourite wet food squished into it can work wonders.
If it's practical, baby gates to the areas where there is food or putting your dog in their own quiet area. (see blog, “7 Tips for a Calm Dog with Visitors”)
Prevention is better than a cure but what to do if they get into these foods or other items? Remain calm and get professional advice immediately by contacting your vet. It’s always good to be prepared and have your closest emergency vet number and location on hand. Check out the Emergency Animal Poison Helpline website or call 1300 869 738.
We all seem to go a little overboard with the amount of food on Christmas so how about sharing the leftovers with your family and friends but definitely not to your dogs.